Sunday, January 11, 2015

Goody Two Shoes: Shades of Blue and Gray

Life is not black and white. There is room to move and grow within the color spectrum. Life has blues and grays-- flexibility to not follow the rules and to make your own every once in a while. The article "Goody Two Shoes" covers the idea of shades of blue and gray in the writing sense. You do not have to follow the exact rules of writing, but challenge the rules to fit your writing needs.

I have always been told that if I want to be a good writer that I need to write every day. Even if you are busy, my professors would say, find time to put something onto paper. "Something" meant anything. It meant "just write." But I never agreed with that. My writing works on inspiration. It works on the flow of ideas and words coming together. Some days I wouldn't have that and struggling through sentences was enough to make me want to quit.

"Goody Two Shoes" brings up the point of not following that rule to write every day. It says, "Don't be dutiful." Don't follow the rules just to get a check in the box. Take a break if you need it. Step away from black and white and into shades of blue and gray.

Writing in the blues and grays means taking a risk without consequences and taking a different perspective. It can help access your feelings, emotions, and appreciation for the craft. As the author says, "Go into writing with your whole heart."

1 comment:

  1. Nice connections and reflection to your own writing. Your readers will learn something from your insight.
