If you look at it in a literal way, it implies that there is one friend that is better than the other friends-- the best of them all. If you think about it too much, it could almost have a negative connotation-- you have friends, but there's an underlying hierarchy. If you think of best friend in a more personal way, it can be a friend that you know the best. The friend that knows you the best. It implies closeness, confidentiality, trust, love.

But, I don't have a best friend.
I have a sister.
Sister is also an interesting word. It's complex. Everyone knows what a sister is, even if they don't have one. Some people hear the word and it resonates negatively within-- sisters and families can be a hard subject. For others, sister springs happy thoughts-- joy and love.
To me, my sister is my best friend-- but she's not.
To me, sister is a stronger word. It packs a bigger punch than best friend. Yes, she's my friend. But, no, she's not a friend-- she's my sister. She's someone closer to me than any friend could be. She's my only sister, and I her's. There's a bond deeper than just friend.

She hasn't only been there for every moment of my life, but she's experienced them with me. She's there through the storm and there to dance in the puddles.
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