I was introduced to Ella by my sister. We listened to the audio book together and it just stuck. I was utterly enchanted by the re-telling of fairy tales and the timeless story of a heroic and admirable girl. It's a book that teaches the power of good and of love. It's inspiring and heartfelt.
Ella isn't just my favorite book because of the story or how it's written, though. I love the way it makes me feel. It makes me feel timeless, it makes me fall in love. It takes me back to those many years ago when I first heard the story-- it reminds me of my old house and the old purple walls of my room, it reminds me of cassette tapes that you had to fast forward or rewind. It reminds me that even though a lot has changed in my life, my love for that story has never wavered. And that makes me feel safe. And happy.
Long ago, I memorized the first couple pages of my favorite book. And whenever I had a particularly bad day, I would close my eyes and recite, "That fool of a fairy Lucinda did not intend to lay a curse on me. She meant to bestow a gift..."
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